How To Overcome Creative Block: Top 21 Tips

woman frustrated over Creative block

Here are 21 tips to help you overcome creative block.

Creative Block is something many creatives may experience occasionally. Whilst in the rut of a creative block, it can be frustrating. As a writer, I have experienced writer’s block specifically and have found a few things that have helped me to overcome the barrier of getting in my creative flow.

1. Focus On Something Else Creative

girl reading

Sometimes doing another creative task can help you to gain further inspiration. It can help you gain another perspective.

For example, although I am a writer predominatly, I also enjoy taking photos.

I find that taking photos, sometimes through the most common things, can actually help me with coming up with a blog topic to write about.

It can help you get less frustrated about not being able to get in the creative flow of one particular area, whilst allowing for creativity in another area, which can in turn actually fuel your flow in the area you were initially struggling with.

2. Research Inspiration In Creative Block

Inspiration can be found in the most common to most obscure things. The internet is your oyster to quickly accessing inspiration.

There are tons of image, videos and blog posts out there full of inpiration in various fields.

Try searching ‘idea for [enter the topic you need help with]’ as a template to provide you with more inspiration when in a creative block.

Sometimes, it can take just that one spark to birth an idea and fuel the fire to get your creative juices running again.

3. Take A Break In Creative Block

If you are tired or feel stressed about your work, taking a break, whether that’s a nap or watching a video unrelated to work can help take your mind off of it. And, when you return to work you, come back with a fresh mind.

Sometimes your mind actually just needs time to recharge.

4. Take Notes Of Things That Inspire You In Life

phone in creative block

Prevention is better than cure right? So to help avoid getting into a creative block episode, take notes on things that inspire you generally in life.

If you see or read something that inspires you, write it down so that when you are working, you can refer to this to help build on your creativity.

5. Put Some Fun Into Your Working Space

home office in creative block

Your working environment can play a big part in how effectively you work.

I try to switch up my working spaces throughout the week.

For example, I like going to parks, libraries (where possible), as well as working in different areas in my house. I found that this helps my work productivity as I’m not in the same working environment all the time.

If you can, try to decorate your working space with quotes or images of inspiration to brighten up your environment.

6. Spread Out Your Working Time

schedule timetable in creative block

Try to create a schedule that allows you to be flexible in your work and less rigid.

This allows you more time to pick up inspiration through other tasks you do in life that are non-work related.

7. Experiment In Creative Block

Exploring different avenues in your work can help serve inspiration and inventing new concepts that you can use to help with creative block.

It could be something as simple as changing the layout of a blog post or editing an image in a specific style you haven’t tried before. Or even exploring new areas to capture photos.

If your clients allow this freedom, it’s worth trying out. And if they don’t, why not try it out on your personal projects?

8. Change Your Surroundings

Try working in a different setting to get your creative juices flowing. Sometimes the same environment can make you feel dull and uninspired.

9. Look In Unlikely Places

Creativity can sometimes be prompted by the most unusual things. Consider taking a stroll in an area that you haven’t been to before.

You never what inspiration you can find through nature!

10. Think Outside The Box

Although clients may give you briefs, don’t be afraid to think outside of this too.

You could end up giving your client some extra value through doing this and using the extra expertise in the field you have.

11. Immerse Yourself In Creative Communities

Joining creative communities, like the Freelance Creative Biz Building Group is an opportunity to get familiar with creative mids like yourself which can help you especially when you’re in a creative block.

12. Have Someone Else Look Over Your Work

friends looking over eacho thers work

Having a second pair of eyes look over your work can really help you with more ideas from the feedback they give.

13. Try A Digital Detox To Overcome Creative Block

Social Media is ingrained into society today and it can be easy to get sucked into how addictive it is.

That’s why sometimes it may be best to take a digital detox to separate yourself from the online world and instead spend more time in the real world.

Comparison is the thief of joy and social media can often lead to comparison. Take a disciplined step to digital detox to refresh, if you feel you need to.

14. Do A Casual Everyday Task

Sometimes doing the most mundane task, like washing the dishes, can actually be a way to take the weight of creative block.

It can help you forget that you are in creative block, whilst still doing something active.

When you’re finished with that task, you can revisit your work with a fresh mindset, instead of swelling in that rut.

15. Count your Losses As Lessons

girl researching on laptop in garden

Don’t be afraid to fail! When you feel like you’re at a halt, let out all the ideas you have without holding back.

When you get over this barrier, you can learn from things that didn’t go so well and this ultimately makes you perfect your craft even more.

Failing fast is a quicker road to becoming an expert. Sometimes the failures you experience in creative block you will be thankful for in the future.

16. Meditate To Overcome Creative Block

Meditation can be a great way for you to express yourself freely and step away from creative block.

Apps like Abide, guide you through meditation, with biblical scriptures too, helping you to feel at peace.

17. Play With Your Pet To Overcome Creative Block

My cat, Benjy, sometimes comes to sit next to me when working.

And he’s very active so if I’m at a creative block, playing with him is a good way for me to focus on something else and have fun for a bit!

If you have a pet, make good use of these office buddies! Or consider getting one if you don’t already!

18. Listen To Music To Overcome Creative Block

I find music fairly therapeutic and comforting, especially when listening to certain genres that complement studying.

There could be lyrics or even the sonics of a song that provide you with that motivation and inspiration you need.

Sometimes you need to just catch the right vibe to set you in the right creative mood and just let go! Music has the power to do this.

19. Communicate With Your Client For Clarity/ Further Ideas

Sometimes discussing the project you are working on with your client can help you get more ideas from them and a better picture out of what they want.

Make an effort to keep communication flowing and clear with your clients when you are working with them. if there’s anything you’re unsure of, make sure you dicuss it with them.

Asking them just one question you are stuck on could be the solution to how you overcome creative block.

20. Find Your Best Working/ Productivity Time

The morning/ early afternoon is the time I am most productive. Discovering this has made my life so much easier and could make yours too.

Playing to your strengths can help reduce stress and instead enhance your creativity!

21. Learn The Power Of Saying No

girl holding up sign that says no

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, it’s important to know when to say no to forthcoming projects. Know your limit, otherwise, you really can get burnt out.

I hope these tips help you to overcome a creative block episode. If you are at the start of your freelance career, looking for guidance, check out my Beginner Freelancer E-course.

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