7 Struggles Of Freelance Life Freelancers Can Relate To

struggles of freelance life

This blog post shares 7 struggles of freelance life that every freelancer can relate to.

As much as I rave on about how much I love the flexibility of freelancing, just like everything else, freelancing also has its struggles. This post shares 7 struggles of freelance life that most freelancers can relate to:

1. Oversaturated Job Boards

struggles of freelance life: oversaturated job boards

With the increased popularity in freelancing, there has also come an influx of job boards and groups that post opportunities. As a result, in some Facebook groups in particular, I have noticed that someone may post 1 opportunity and there will be a swarm of 80+ comments underneath enquiring to apply for this job. This can be very off-putting as a freelancer, to apply for this job when there is so much competition for this one role.

Oversaturated job boards in facebook groups, for example, therefore, can end up defeating the purpose of what they were initially intended to be- provide an equal opportunity for people to apply for roles. It’s a struggle freelancers may come across when debating of whether to spend time applying for a role that has such mass amount of enquiries.

It’s the reason why, I usually find approaching clients individually from my own research more effective than applying via job boards. Although not all job boards are oversaturated. It’s just about looking for the right groups.

2. Lack Of Responses

struggles of freelance life: lack of responses

Whether you are a freelancer or not, you can probably relate to this point.

Sometimes, you apply for a job and you don’t get a response on the outcome or update of your application. This can be pretty frustrating.

You invest time and energy into pitching to prospects with the hope of getting a response. So, when you wait and don’t get a response, disappointment can sneak in.

However, as a freelancer, you have to be persistent and cant allow it to get you down for too long. Downloading an email tracker has helped me to deal with the lack of response better, as the internet browser extension lets you know when your recipient has opened your email.

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3. Chasing Invoices

struggles of freelance life: woman running upstair in room

As much as you can put things in place to help prevent chasing payments, there is always that nagging question in the back of your head wondering whether a client will pay you on time, especially if it is a new client.

This is something, I am sure most freelancers can relate to.

4. Variable Income Is A Struggle Of Freelance Life

Crop anonymous financier planning budget writing numbers in notebook

You can set yourself up to be a contractor and gain regular clients with a base rate of income per month, but naturally, as a freelancer there will be times where your income will vary significantly throughout the year.

This means you have to adapt as to how you budget your finances when you receive each paycheque.

You have to ensure it is spread out to help you out in months where you may not be getting as much in. This is something that is a constant learning process as a freelancer. You have to go with the flow.

5. Loneliness Is A Struggle Of Freelance Life

Stay Home

Loneliness can creep in pretty naturally for freelancers, if you don’t work at creating a balance in other aspects of your life.

As a solopreneur, it can be easy to get into a rut of focusing solely on your work, to the point where you neglect the social aspects of life.

To combat this, ensure you are consciously connecting with others for non-work-related things.

6. Bad Clients Are A Struggle Of Freelance Life

man wearing black suit jacket

Oh yes, this is one of the heavier struggles freelancers can struggle with in their career.

I’m talking about that client that knows no boundaries? Always haggling your prices? Ends up not paying you for that project and disappears? Yeah, I have experienced all of these! Crazy right?

But, as you grow as a freelancer, you can get better at spotting signs of what could be a bad client working relationship. However, sometimes it just hits you out of nowhere!

One thing this experience does make you do is appreciate the good clients when they do come along. They are gems to be treasured!

7. Admin Is A Struggle Of Freelance Life

struggles of freelancing: girl writing for admin

Unless you are a a freelance virtual assistant, this may come easy to you, but if you are not a fan of admin tasks, this can become a real pain.

Dealing with drafting invoices, keeping track of your outgoings, in goings, preparing and dealing with taxes are all things to be on top of as a self-employed person.

As well as offering your services, you also have to deal with the admin that comes with it. However, thankfully there are techniques like time blocking and systems like Asana, that can help make this process easier,

These are all struggles of freelance life that freelancers may be all too familiar with. If you are considering going freelance, you should be prepared for this. But, also know, that with each of these struggles, there is a solution to help you through it. I have found the benefits of freelancing to far outweigh the struggles.

If you are a Beginner Freelancer, feel free to check out my E-course here: https://remireports.com/product/beginner-freelancer-e-course-remi-reports/

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