So I usually do regular interviews with freelancers about their freelance journey. This week, however, I thought I’d do something a little different and share some things about me and my freelance experience. So without further ado, here are 7 things for you to get to know me:
1. Origin
I was born and raised in the UK with Jamaican and Nigerian heritage. My cultural background and upbringing have influenced my niche in black hair and culture as a freelance writer.
2. Favourite Down Time Activity?

As of late, one of my favourite ways to spend my downtime is driving to a new open space area and taking photos. I like exploring my photography skills and enjoying open spaces and nature in this way.
3. Faith

I am a Christian and therefore believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour. I am open about how God has undeniably marked the journey of my freelance career, right from the beginning. From the way in which I landed my first freelance gig, to periods where I wasn’t sure when my next freelance gig would be, God has outstandingly shown Himself to be my provider and I owe it all to Him.
4. If You Wasn’t A Writer, What Would You Be?
Through my writing career, I’ve discovered that I enjoy mentoring and helping people in their freelance journey. So if I wasn’t a writer, I’d consider being a career advisor.
5. What Do You Like Most About Freelancing?
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may already know how much I rave on about the flexibility of freelancing. But it truly is my favorite thing about being a freelancer! I love how I can choose to navigate life in such a free way compared to being in a 9-5 job. From running errands to performing other work-related tasks, freelancing offers the opportunity for more freedom over how you schedule your life. And I love that!
6. What Was Your First Freelance Gig?

In my first freelance gig, I worked as a Digital Marketing Assistant, which involved social media managing, admin tasks, and blog writing through an agency. I think it was a good way to start out as I learned a good deal about digital marketing strategies, which helped me to develop and market my own freelance brand.
7. What Are You Most Excited About In Your Career Right Now?
Right now, I’m excited about developing this blog and the resources I offer through it- especially my Beginner Freelancer E-course. I would say this is the proudest project I have made this year and I am so pleased to have received great feedback from those who have downloaded it too! If you are looking for some tips on how to set up and build your freelance business, feel free to check it out!
Thanks for reading this far and getting to know me. If you are a freelancer who wants to be featured on the blog, please shoot me an email at [email protected].