Email marketing is increasingly becoming a popular and effective tool for businesses, especially in eCommerce.

There are so many benefits to implementing this strategy into your business; the rewards can be sustainable and effective. Here are seven benefits of email marketing.

1. Build loyal followers with email marketing

Those who sign up for your newsletter are particularly interested in your content. So much so that they want to hear more about your business sent directly to their inbox! This means your subscribers have a special interest in your business beyond your social media followers. Therefore, they are more loyal to you.

2. Increase your chance of regular cashflow

Emailing regularly and offering discounts to your loyal subscribers means you will likely have a greater chance of increasing your cash flow.

This is partly because you can build a closer relationship with your subscribers by offering them exclusive offers that you may not offer to social media followers. Therefore, they can build more trust with your email subscribers, leading to them buying from you more.

3. Collecting feedback and surveys

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Having engaged email subscribers means you can collect feedback on what your most loyal followers think of your business and the service or product you are offering them.

Certain email campaign providers also allow you to track the answers of those who answered certain questions for your survey.

This information can then help you to segment future emails you send out, as you can send certain emails to specific people based on the feedback they have given you.

4. Less competition with email marketing

There is less competition in email inboxes than there is on social media.

People tend to follow many more people on social media than those they subscribe to for newsletters; therefore, subscribers are less likely to miss email newsletters that you send compared to posts you may post on social media. Emails are a great way to stand out to your subscribers.

5. Generating traffic to your site with email marketing

With each email you send out to your subscribers, you should link the link to your website somewhere.

That way, there’s an increased opportunity for them to visit your website, which helps generate more traffic to your site overall.

Regular visits to your website can then help your website’s overall credibility with Google. If people visit your website and engage with it, it can help improve its ranks on Google.

6. Reaching the right people at the right time (segmenting)

Email marketing allows you to send emails to specific people at the right time based on the data you have of them.

These are known as segments. For example, the data you can have of an individual subscriber could be their age, location, how often they open or don’t open their emails, and whether they have purchased from you before via emails.

This data is very valuable, so it makes sense to use it to your advantage by segmenting emails to optimise this information to help increase your chances of sales or business opportunities.

7. Providing more value to your audience

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Through your emails, you get to be more personable to your subscribers and have a more friendly, light tone so they can feel that they can get to know you a bit better as a brand. You can offer more value to them.

For example, you could offer them a free download that only they can access. This helps to build the know, like, and trust factor and, therefore, can help build a long-term business relationship.

I hope these tips help you understand the benefits of email marketing in 2022. If you want help setting up and sending out emails, I offer this service to my freelance clients. Feel free to contact me via [email protected] if you want to discuss a working relationship.

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