Freelance Web Designer Interview: Brittany Garner

Brittany Garner Freelance Web Designer

This is in interview with Brittany Garner, where she shares her experience as a freelance web designer and tips she has for fellow freelancers.

What influenced you to become a freelancer?

After building a few free websites for my friends to help launch their own businesses, I figured that I should do the same… building my own business. I loved making websites; why not make it more exciting by building it into a bigger project for myself? It’s my way of helping people in completing a huge part of getting their own brand up-and-running. Again… I LOVE THIS STUFF.

How long have you been freelancing? What is your journey to becoming a freelance website designer?

 So far, it’s been almost two years; time is such a blur! My journey consists of a LOT of research, a TON of soul searching, and HUGE amounts of hard-work since the start. Figuring out my own systems, workflows, and go-to design toolkit is definitely a large part of my journey; those things are essential to have in place when seamlessly kicking off a design project for a client.

Are you a full time or part-time freelancer?

Full-time! #imadeit

Do you think it’s important to have a niche? Please explain your answer.

I do think that this is important to have but it may take some time to know exactly who you’d want to work with. For me, this is something that I really struggled with in the beginning. Figuring out who I wanted to work with took a lot of projects and crazy pricing changes to get through but I eventually honed in out my own dreamy client. It’s important to set yourself apart from the crowd in this way so you do land clients that you’re actually excited to work with!

What would you describe your niche as?

 I build supportive and easy-to-use websites for people-driven entrepreneurs. They live by a help-first mentality when it comes to providing their unique services and products to the world.

Brittany Garner Freelance Web Designer

What resources have you found useful as a freelancer?

 Lol, there’s so many! Utilizing a good planner + calendar blocking system is key. Time is our most precious resource as freelancers so we’ve got to efficiently manage it. Also, joining a free or investing in an online mastermind group is a great way to network, build business relationships, and even learn new skills!

What do you like most about freelancing?

 It’s challenging which always gives me something to do, lol! I’m a true Gemini; being bored is out of the question for me.

What do you want people to feel when looking at your freelance work?

I want them to feel both excited to work with me and that they’ve made a new business pal. Being a business owner can get lonely at times; finding people who can produce awesome work for your business along with relating with you can be extremely rewarding!

What challenges have you found with freelancing, and how do you battle through them?

 Niching down and building automations/workflows in my business were extremely challenging. As a creative business owner, all I wanted to do was design and build awesome website experiences; the business stuff was put on the backburner for a little while… until it started to mess with my daily routine. Yeah, I had to solve that problem real fast, ha!

What tips do you have for those wanting to do freelancing or build their own business?

My biggest tips would be to 1) Stay focused. 2) Be organized. 3) Never take time for granted. 4) Know and stick to your rates.

What 3 words would you describe your illustrations as?

Dynamic, clean, and fun!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Oh goodness, too many damn things. Gaming (video + board gaming), reading, CrossFitting (and coaching it!), knitting, eating awesome food… I’m all over the place with my hobbies, lol!

How do you find the work/ life balance being a freelancer? Do you have any tips for this area?

Set boundaries. Letting my clients know when I’m available for communication has helped immensely. And don’t be afraid to do this either. Set these boundaries around your daily habits/routines. It’ll keep you happy and sane, lol!

What things can freelancers put in place to avoid late payments?

Setting up auto-payments for your projects along with having a tight contract in place is extremely helpful. Letting clients know what can happen if payments are late will drive them to pay on time, trust me. Also, being flexible with payments when a client can’t pay on time is something to consider. Yes, you must get paid but everyone goes through some sort of financial hardship; extending a due date if you can lets your clients know that you care.

Brittany Garner Freelance Web Designer

What key characteristics are needed to become a freelancer?

 Being dependable, having an open mind, and understanding the value of time I think are essentials to being a freelancer/business owner.

What is the proudest project you have worked on?

 Ooooooo… actually, there are three projects that I’m extremely proud of mainly because of the mission of each of the businesses that I’m working with. These are currently still in their development stages (with one in a pre-launch phase for testing purposes). If you’re interested, follow me on my Instagram @britahknees. I post client spotlights on Fridays! 🙂

Where can we find more about you and your work/keep up to date with what you are doing? is my website to learn more about my services and to book a consultation with me. Let’s be online besties by following my Instagram @britahknees to check out all of my web design/business-related things (and yes, I follow back!) If you’d like to learn more about my random hobbies/personal interests, follow me @brittygames on Instagram!

Anything you’d like to add?

 There is never a perfect time to start something positively life-changing like your own business. Don’t let what people say or even perfectionism hold you back from creating something that can help people. Just do the damn thing and make mistakes along the way. It’s the only way that you’ll learn from them, tackle any weaknesses, and ultimately grow.

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