Imposter syndrome is a term that has risen in recent years. It refers to operating in a space that you feel like you do not deserve to be in. It’s often referenced in relation to careers, and freelancing includes this. In this post, I share some tips on how to combat imposter syndrome as a freelancer.
1. Stop Comparing Yourself To Combat Imposter Syndrome
Comparison is the thief of joy. Remember that you are on your own journey. When you get focused too much on comparing yourself with other people’s journeys, you can lose track of your own path, the progress you made, and even where you are headed.
2. Remember The Encouragement You Have Received
If you’re having trouble believing yourself, think of all the nice things others have said about your work. They can’t all be lying! Take note of these in a journal and collect testimonials of clients you have worked with that you can look back on when imposter syndrome tries to creep in.
3. Look How Far You Have Come

Maintaining being a freelancer is not an easy road. Remember that. So the fact that you are able to call yourself a freelancer is something that shows you deserve to be where you are. Celebrate what you have already achieved. This will remind you of the hard work you have done that warrants you to be a freelancer.
4. Remember You Are Not Alone
Imposter Syndrome is a very real and valid thing. Many people experience it. Finding people who experience similar things is a way to find a community to help you combat imposter syndrome. I have a Facebook group for Freelance Creatives Building Their Business. You are more than welcome to join and share your experiences there.
5. Practice Positive Self- Talk

Words have power. Instead of talking down to yourself about how you’re not worthy of where you are- which is completely false by the way- practice positive words instead.
Be kind to yourself, take it easy. ‘You’re awesome’ and ‘you’re an amazing entrepreneur’ are positive affirmations you can say- out loud- to yourself to reinforce the fact that you are worthy of taking up space as a freelancer.
6. Ask For Feedback To Combat Imposter Syndrome

Part of growing as a freelancer is asking for feedback on how you can up your game and become even better. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients for feedback on how you could improve your working relationship. There are always areas we can improve on, but don’t let it overwhelm you completely to the point where you feel like there is nothing you are doing right to deserve the position you are in.
7. Expose Yourself To Combat Imposter Syndrome

I am an advocate for capitalising on a niche. This way you can become an expert in one area and help prevent yourself from spreading yourself too thin.
When you are transparent to your clients and potential clients of what you are an expert in and the level of experience you have in a certain area, you are being a realist and presenting yourself as a trustworthy person. Therefore when you are transparent about your level, you can spot more easily when imposter syndrome tries to taunt you in areas where you are an actual expert.
If you are looking for guidance on how to build your freelance creative career on a strong foundation, you can check out my Beginner Freelancer E-course.