Last year I wrote an article for National Volunteering Week, but didn’t post it on this blog. So since this year’s National volunteering week recently passed, I thought I’d post it here now. I hope you are encouraged by it!

What can I say about my volunteering experience? Well, my first volunteering role was with Urban Synergy, a non-profit organisation that helps young people reach their full potential. This was particularly useful for me as it provided me with the opportunity to adopt the role of a Journalist. For example I would attend events that Urban Synergy held and take notes to write an article about it, which they would post on their website. This helped improve my writing style and provided me with the opportunity to connect with professionals, as many of their events include networking sessions.

In addition to this, I have volunteered for the TV programme UK360, as a broadcast researcher. This role entailed searching for videos to be aired on the programme. This was also beneficial, as it led to me discovering a variety of videos based on interesting topics. It also allowed me to experience another side of Journalism as oppose to just writing.

Think Big Youth has also been a great volunteering experience for me. As a student, attending it’s Employment Seminars taught me how to prepare for Job interviews and applications. Additionally, as a volunteer it helped me to develop my communication skills, through promoting Think Big Youth and conversing with others. Similar to Urban Synergy, it also helped me to build contacts with professionals, as well as people in the same position as me.

In all, my experience as a volunteer has been exciting and fruitful. Through working with these organisations, I have learnt many vital skills, which will benefit me both long and short term. I look forward to the upcoming events that all the above organisations have planned in the future!

Happy Volunteer Week, to all of you wonderful volunteers!

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