The Benefits of Blogging In 2021: Top 13

benefits of blogging

This blog post shares tips on the benefits of blogging as part of your content marketing strategy.

So, as you may or may not know, I am a freelance blogger for my clients, with a niche in black hair, as well as having this blog as a separate brand for freelance creatives. In this post, I’ll be sharing some tips on the benefits of blogging and why it is increasingly becoming a popular content marketing strategy.

1. Connect with your audience

Woman in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting on Chair

Blogging is a great way to connect further with your audience, beyond business matters. It gives your audience an opportunity to learn more about you. They can comment on your blogs and build a closer familiarity with you and your brand. This helps build the know, like, trust factor, which can lead to sales.

2. Build your portfolio

benefits of blogging: build your portfolio

Through blogging regularly, your blog can actually become part of your portfolio that you can share with potential clients. It shows what you are capable of producing.

3. Develop Your Writing Skills

benefits of blogging: writing skills

The only way to get better at something is to practice, practice, practice! Through updating your blog regularly you can improve your writing skills. The more you update it, the quicker you will improve your writing skills.

4. Establish Yourself As An Expert In Your Field

benefits of blogging: expert

Through using your blog to write about your niche or the service you offer, you are establishing yourself as an expert in your field. You can build an audience where people will visit your blog and think of you when they are looking for advice or tips on the service you offer.

5. Improve SEO

Three White-and-black Scrabble Tiles on Brown Wooden Surface

Blogging is a great way to improve the SEO of your website, as each blog you add, you can optimise with SEO tools to increase the chances of your website/ blog ranking on google. Through blogging regularly, you’re adding more pages to your website, which increases your chances of ranking on google.

6. Express Yourself

Happy Couple Dancing and Clapping

Blogging is a great way to express your creative thoughts too. I love the outlet it offers me, especially as a writer. It’s a great way to express my thoughts other than when doing client work.

7. Help Others

Positive multiracial colleagues at coffee house using laptop together

Through blogging, you can add value to your readers in your post, which helps them with ideas for their service or brand.

I hope this list of the benefits of blogging helps you consider incorporating it in your content marketing strategy as a freelance creative.

8. It Shows Your Business Is Active

Through regularly posting on your blog, it shows that you are keeping your blog and information updated. Google likes websites that are active, so this can also help your chances of ranking.

9. It Enhances The User Experience Of Your Website

By having a blog on your website, you are adding extra value to the experience users have when they visit.

Beyond sale content, for example, your blog offers more value and therefore can help increase the amount of time that they spend on your website and gives your visitors to learn more about your brand.

10. Helps You Stand Out From Competitors

woman Standing out stretching hand out to stop

Your blog has the opportunity to offer something unique from your competitors. You can have your own style and embed your own experience into your blog which helps you stand as an individual brand, different from your competitors.

If you have a regularly updated blog, compared to your competitors, this will help you stand out even more.

11. It Answers Questions Clients May Have

Your blog act as a more detailed version of a FAQ page. Your blog can go into more detail about queries your website visitors may have about your brand.

It can be a more engaging way to do this too, as you can add images and other visual elements to your blog, compared to a linear list of questions that are often presented on FAQ pages.

12. Develop A New Sales Funnel

When done properly, your blog can actually act as a 24-hour sales funnel. For example, through linking products or even newsletter signups in your blogs you can increase leads. You could almost see your blogs as staff members that are available 24-7.

Having a blog, partnered with good SEO is a great combo for a good sales funnel.

13. Repurpose Content

Creating blogs (which should be long-form content), gives way for you to create content for social media platforms which are usually in shorter form.

For example, writing a blog post on 10 photography tips, for example, could then be repurposed into 10 social media posts across different platforms. So having a blog can actually make it easier to manage your other social media platforms.

If you’d like to unlock more potential in your freelance life, check out my Beginner Freelancer E-course.

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