Freelance Artist Interview: Scott Moles

Scott Moles Freelance Artist

Scott Moles shares his journey and tips as a freelance artist in this post.

This week’s freelance artist interview is with Scott Moles. Scott has a gift to tell powerful stories through his art. I’m excited to be sharing an interview with him below.

1. What influenced you to become a freelance artist?

The freedom to control your workflow and choice of who you chose to work with. This is an important option for me.

2. Are you a full time or part-time writer?

At the moment I work part-time as a Creative designer and painter.

3. How long have you been freelancing?

I have been in this position for 12 years.

4. Do you think it’s important to have a niche?

scott moles art: freelance artist

I believe it is important to be yourself and this should show in the creativity you produce.

Simply because, if you follow the crowd you will be submerged in it and lose your own authenticity and style.

5. What would you describe your niche as?

I would say it is positive uplifting Art. I believe in only creating what makes me feel good inside, and I hope this is seen in what I create.

6. What resources have you found useful as a freelancer?

Honest friends, great communication, and creating a hub of artist friends you can be educated and support by.

7. How did you become a freelancer?

scott moles art: freelance artist

I really was offered opportunities to paint live at Christian concerts and realised this was something I could build on.

8. What method do you find most useful in finding clients?

For me, I build friendships, connect with people, and value them from an individual level. Work will come and go but relationships always last.

9. What do you like most about freelancing?

Freedom is a massive factor. I have ethical values that I don’t want to lose sight of. So doing business with who I feel will benefit from our partnership is important to me.

10. What challenges have you found with freelancing, and how do you battle through them?

Being an artist can often be an uphill battle but freelancing part-time means I can please myself on what risks I chose to take. I can take time out to develop new skills to improve myself, which is something we all need to schedule in from time to time. I can also try-out different creative adventures using different mediums.

11. What tips do you have for those wanting to do freelancing or build their own business?

Be yourself first. You are unique by design and people want to see this first. You have your own story and journey to share through your creativity so build on this.

Also, get out there and connect with people, make friends, share a meal, and enjoy yourself. Working full-on will only get you so far before you burn yourself out.

12. What 1 word summarises your freelance work?


13. What do you like to do in your spare time?

 I enjoy the outdoors so anything doing that is good for me.

14. How do you find the work/ life balance being a freelancer? Do you have any tips for this area?

 Quality time is better than quantity time, so invest in this when planning what you choose to do. Whether this is work or play. One hour totally involved in what you are doing is better than four thinking about it.

15. What key characteristics are needed in becoming a freelancer?

scott moles art: freelance artist

Believe in yourself. Save when you can and be as organised as you can.  Plan a year of dreams and aim to reach them.

16. What is the proudest project you have worked on?

My first gallery at the Waterloo Action Centre showed me you can reach your goals if you breathe life in them and don’t give up on your dreams.

17. Anything you’d like to add?

Remember that you are good enough! You will always be your worst critic and the day you realise and value yourself is the day you will find success.  

Thank you Scott for your insight and wisdom in this interview.  

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