Did you know we are meant to average 10,000 steps per day? How are you getting your steps in?

Being a freelancer means you have the flexibility of choosing where you’d like to work. Through this journey and from studying in a city where you can walk almost anywhere, in Brighton, I developed a particular like for walking. As an English Tutor, I have walked up to 50mins for lessons.

Through my developed interest in walking, I’ve discovered that there are so many benefits to walking, compared to taking public transport or driving. Here are 6 benefits of walking:

Free Travel

public transport bus travel

London, in particular, is a city where public transport is easy to get around in. Because of this many people may resort to taking a bus for short distances. However, you could save your coins if you walked more frequently. The amount of money I’ve saved through waking to workspaces or lessons has really added up and I notice the difference in what I can spend that money on instead.

Now, understandably there is only so far you can walk, but locally you can walk most places without taking transport. It’s a change of mindset to ask, do you really have to spend on travel to get to a location when you could just walk? This is particularly useful if you are on a budget.

I’ve found that there are some places it is actually quicker for me to walk than take the bus because of the shortcuts I can take on foot.

Health Benefits

healthy black girl raising fist and smiling

Get your steps in! Walking is a free form of exercise and you can go at your own pace, making it more of a relaxing activity. We should average about 10,000 steps per day, so walking to carry out errands and other daily activities can all contribute to you reaching this number.

Good For The Environment

heart shaped environment tree bush

Of course, as well as helping your own health, your choice to walk helps the overall quality of the planet. By choosing not to jump on a vehicle polluting the environment (bar electric cars), you are making a conscious effort to better the environment and lower pollution levels.

Earn Rewards As You Walk

woman star jumping overlooking mountains

Sweatcoin is an app that allows you to earn coins as you walk and in return, you can get rewards in the form of discounts or even free products/services. I’ve been using them for over a year now and have come across a few good deals with them. One of their most recent offers includes a free month trial membership with Hussle.

Good Bonding Activity

Walking can be a great way of catching up with friends or even finding a group of people who also have an interest in walking. This is particularly nice in the summer with warm weather. Evening walks can also be great for views of the city skyline.

Explore New Locations

girl walking on bridge overlooking city

Through my walking trips, I’ve discovered a few shortcuts and consequently come across unique locations. This would otherwise be harder to come across or explore, than if I were driving past. As you’re walking at your own pace, you take things in more than if you were on the road.

I hope these benefits of walking have encouraged you to make use of your ability to walk more! It’s a gift we shouldn’t underestimate. If you have any other benefits or apps that help you with walking, please feel free to comment below.

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